A whole new social trend

There’s this guy in South Korea, only identified as “Park”, who sued his ex-girlfriend for the return of money he spent on dating her. He managed to squeeze a signed promise from her, after they broke up, that she would repay the money, amounting to $9,615. He won his case, at first, in a lower court, but had it overturned by a higher court.

I can see this setting a whole new social trend.

I mean, those drinks I bought my work colleagues last week was purely to make friends and influence people. If I lose my job next week, I’ll want it all back. I have the receipts to prove it. And that time I gave my next door neighbour a lift to work…well, as soon as he moves out of the neighbourhood, I’ll present him with a bill. After all, I was only doing it for good neighbourly relations, and if he moves on, where’s the value in that? And that reminds me of the game of bowling I payed for when my Canadian cousins visited a few weeks back. Now that they’ve decided to decamp back home, what good was that social investment I made? I want the money back. I should have presented them the bill before I left.

Bringing this to its logical conclusion, I can see a new web business setting up, like those sites that count your carbon footprint for you, this would count your “social footprint”. You’d get to pay for friends and socialising and get “social credits” in return. Let’s say I treat my friends to a nicely cooked meal. That would earn me enough social credits to dump toxic waste in some third world country, say. Hmmmm…this could work!

The Apprentice – lying on a CV

I was watching The Apprentice on BBC1 last night (the English version). It was the interview stage, where the five remaining candidates get grilled by some of Alan Sugar’s (pronounced ‘suraluhn’) groupies. Anyway, one candidate, Lee, had claimed on his CV that he spent two years studying at a university. The interviewer asked him, how long did you spend at university? He said, two years. He asked him again, calmly. He repeated the claim. Then came the bombshell. The interviewer had gone to the trouble of requesting confirmation from the college. In fact, as was verified by a fax from the college, he had spent no more than four months there and had to drop out because he failed to pass exams! When this was put to Lee, he feebly said something along the lines of, oh, I must have spent four months there then, mustn’t I? The interviewer pressed him on it: was it four months or two years? He said, it must be four months if you say it is. Unimpressed, the interviewer stopped himself calling him a liar, but wasn’t far off it.

My first thought was: what a lying little rat. He compounded his problem by not admitting to it straight out. He tried squirming out of it by opening to the suggestion that he had in fact made an innocent mistake. It wasn’t: it was a lie. Then he finally admitted to elaborating his CV because he was embarrassed about his lack of educational achievements. Quite!

When Suraluhn heard about all this, he was of course a little disappointed. But nothing more! He didn’t fire him! He left him stay on for the final week. Talk about rewarding bad behaviour.

Either I am going senile, or has lying somehow become de rigeur among certain types of person? I mean, one gimp on the panel suggested that “we all lie on our CVs”! Always the last refuge of the miscreant is to say, well everybody else does it.

I’m appalled about this for three reasons. First, that a lie on a CV about something as basic as a university education is considered almost trivial. Second, that other people actually go to university, pass exams, and work hard for knowledge and qualifications. Then they get trumpted by this moronic, egotistical ass who thinks he has a right to make extravagant claims on his own CV. As if the wanting of something badly enough (e.g. a job with Alan Sugar) justifies almost anything. Third, it is totally stupid to lie this way on a CV which is going to be broadcast on national television. If the interviewer hadn’t picked up on it, then someone else probably would, possibly from a tabloid or an investigative blogger.

The best line was kept by a comedian on the follow-up programme. If you’re going to lie about university, at least claim you went to Cambridge or Oxford! Duh!